in der Alten Seilerei
From scores to counterpoint
SA 11.03.2023
15:00 — 18:00 Uhr
In Halle 1 der Alten Seilerei, Offenbacher Landstraße 190, 60599 Frankfurt
Es wird ein Unkostenbeitrag für die Nutzung des Raumes verlangt. Diesmal findet das Treffen in einem Saal statt, dessen Boden nicht aus Holz, sondern aus Stein ist. Also bitte Kleidung und Schuhe dementsprechen anpassen. Für die Registrierung bitte eine E-Mail an senden.
*Beschreibungstext nur in Englisch verfügbar*
Adam Shpira-Lintner:
"I am very excited and honored to be in charge of the 'input' in the next “Interdisciplinary Improvisation-meeting”. It is going to be in the form of a practice which I titled as 'From scores to counterpoint'. This practice was developed as part of my studies at the MA CoDE (Master of Contemporary Dance Education) and is based on the piece 'Both Sitting Duet' by Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion. The essence of this practice is to use a specific notation system to compose material together. The term counterpoint will be constructed with the musicians as well, based on the perspective of Burrows and Fargion, in a way that might differ from the traditional understanding."
** please bring a writing tool and a paper, since we will use them to write our own scores...**
15:00-15:15 arrival and own warm up
15:15-16:00 introduction and tryout
16:00-16:45 creating own scores and working in groups
16:45-17:15 tea break
17:15-18:00 presentations
Main language in the workshop: english
Adam Shpira-Lintner is a Frankfurt based dancer and dance mediator. He has been privileged many times in life for passing as: white\light-skin, mid class, heterosexual, cis man, abled body. Also, his Jewish identity served him as an advantage over other discriminated groups in 30 years of living in Israel. He is grateful for being given the opportunities to study circus (Sandciel), dance (JAMD), and dance education (MA CoDE). At the moment he teaches dance for youth in Frankfurt and Darmstadt-Eberstadt, dances at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden with the project 'blau', and organizes together with Silke Wiegand the coming Global Water Dances in Frankfurt in June 2023. His main intentions at his work are to encourage critical thinking, resist systems of oppressions, and strive towards a more inclusive and sustainable society.