You would like to take a poster to a demonstration, but you don't know what to write? You want to write to your local political representative but can't find the right words? You think it's time for a manifesto but never have the time to start? Then come to the first meeting of THE ART OF PROTEST (BEGINNERS) on September 17th in Bockenheim!
SAT 17.09.2022
10:30am — 6:00pm
Campus Bockenheim, Mertonstraße 30
The Art of Protest (Beginners) will take place as part of IMPLANTIEREN 2022/23 Beziehungsweisen in Frankfurt am Main.
ASJA & Jonathan stand in front of wall with flowers and pink fur
The Art of Protest (Beginners) invites you to experiment with theatrical means and forms of protest. Together with ASJA & Jonathan Schmidt-Colinet you will venture into public protest, get to know experts from the activist and theater scene and design, rehearse and discuss creative contributions for public expression. On six Saturdays from September 2022 to February 2023 we will deal with theatrical means (costume, voice, props, etc.), learn about the practices of invited protest experts and about historical examples of different forms of protest. Based on this, we will develop protest contributions and then try them out in public space until the next meeting; for example, with a poster for a climate strike, a choir against police violence, a costume for affordable housing or a dance for bodily self-determination... Welcome are people of all ages who are looking for an approach to co-design in public space and want to get involved against nationalistic, sexist, or racist positions.
Participation is free of charge, registration at:
ASJA & Jonathan Schmidt-Colinet + Guests
The Art of Protest (Beginners) is co-produced by the festival IMPANTIEREN 2022/23 and supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR and the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main. Implantieren 2022/23 is a festival by ID_Frankfurt e.V., supported by the Kulturfonds Rhein-Main, the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art, the Frankfurt/Main Airport Foundation, by the program "Promoting Connections" of the Federal Association of the Liberal Performing Arts with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Cultural Foundation of the Städtische Sparkasse Offenbach am Main and the Naspa Foundation.
Further dates:
SAT 15.10. | 10:00am
Campus Bockenheim, Mertonstraße 30
SAT 12.11. | 10:00am
Campus Bockenheim, Mertonstraße 30
SAT 10.12. | 10:00am
Campus Bockenheim, Mertonstraße 30
SAT 14.01. | 10:00am
Campus Bockenheim, Mertonstraße 30
SAT 11.02. | 10:00am
Campus Bockenheim, Mertonstraße 30