with "Local Dancing"
The Forum Tanzvermittlung is a mixed format consisting of a lecture, a practical example and discussion. Using queer lore and specially invented instant tradition, the guests "LOCAL DANCING" imagines popular group dances that may have traveled through time and now appear non-binary and unpaired. With no national ties, the dances pretend to be local wherever they are. They give us reason to come together and be held in the repetition and routine of a circular choreography.
other, talk and Discussion, networking
THU 15.06.2023
4:00pm — 6:00pm
Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
The Forum Tanzvermittlung is a mixed format consisting of a lecture, a practical example and discussion. The forum offers experts from the region the opportunity to exchange ideas about questions in the field of "mediation and participation" and thus gain reflexive distance to their own work.
This time we approach the topic of circle dances and at the end open the discussion for critical thinking in the field of dance in the context of dance project with a non-professional audience.
LOCAL DANCING: Using queer lore and specially invented instant tradition, we imagine popular group dances that may have traveled through time and now appear non-binary and unpaired. Without national ties, the dances pretend to be local wherever they are. They give us reason to come together and be held in the repetition and routine of a circular choreography.
Concept: Clara Reiner Choreography and practice: Clara Reiner (she/her), René Alejandro Huari Mateus (she*/he*), Jacob Bussmann (he/him), and Frédéric De Carlo (they/them). Music: Jacob Bussmann
LOCAL DANCING Artists Jacob Bussmann lives in Frankfurt/M and works as a musician and performer. He studied piano at the Musikhochschule Frankfurt/M and the Sibelius Academy Helsinki as well as applied theater studies in Gießen. In production structures of the independent scene in Frankfurt/M he collaborates on theatrical, performative and musical projects. He has composed stage music for municipal theaters and is active as a musical director. Frédéric de Carlo was born in Paris and lives in Frankfurt. He studied contemporary dance at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris. He is a freelance dance and performance maker and has been working with local artists since 2017. His projects deal with gender issues, representation and body practices. He is also a movement educator and teaches initiation into somatic practices. René Alejandro Huari Mateus The institutional intersections of the forms of discrimination in which choreography, dance, and performance are developed and shown in Germany, and which are hidden behind pretty inclusion programs without changing anything substantial, have shaped René's identity and approach to artistic creation. She pursues and appreciates strategies that aim NOT to reproduce violent structures, not even to denounce violence. Clara Reiner Clara Reiner performs, choreographs, builds objects for the stage and lives in Offenbach. She studied choreography and performance at the Institute for Applied Theater Studies in Giessen, Germany, and sculpture at the Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten (KASK) in Ghent, Belgium.
Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, a project of Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and Hessian State Ballet, is made possible by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and is funded by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art and the Foundation Alliance [Aventis Foundation, BHF BANK Foundation , Crespo Foundation, Dotter Foundation, Dr. Marschner Foundation, Foundation Polytechnic Society Frankfurt am Main].