Which movements do we follow daily?
During the workshop days, we will use dance to explore the changing relationships between people and spaces. Which movement patterns do we follow and which movements do we unconsciously perform every day? We use our bodies to search for expression, connection, aesthetics and dialogue.
workshop, class, technique class
TUE 20.02.2024
6:00pm — 9:00pm
ATELIERFRANKFURT - Schwedlerstr. 1-5, Frankfurt am Main
Two people dance outdoors. They are stretched out in the same position. Purple waves can be seen in the background. A text field says: "Workshop" and "Atelierfrankfurt Tue 20.02. & 27.02. 18-21h and Sat 02.03. 10-16h"
Information on accessibility
Gena uses German sign language.
In the "bodylink" workshop series, we explore the reciprocal relationship between people and space together.
Our body, which acts as a mediator between people and the world, is focussed on as a knowing being and means of expression. We examine everyday, unconscious movements and movement patterns and their relationship to different places and spaces. The question: How much freedom of movement do we need? takes centre stage. With the help of dance and choreographic methods, these movement patterns are moulded into a new social choreography in which we use our bodies non-verbally as a medium of communication. In doing so, "bodylink" focuses on exploring the relationship between space and the individual as well as the similarities and differences within the group. In "bodylink", each person can contribute as much movement as they want.
A project created by us and YOU. Would you like to become part of the project and get to know your everyday life in a new way? We look forward to meeting you. No previous experience is required, we use swarm knowledge.