an introduction to the Tamalpa Life/Art Process

Discover your creative potential with the spirit of Tamalpa in a playful way dancing, drawing and writing.


SAT 18.06.2022
2:00pm — 5:00pm

Friedensraum (18. Juni)/Freiraum (25. Juni)in der Bessunger Knabenschule in Darmstadt

Everbody can take part. There are no conditions whatsoever other than the joy in moving, drawing and writing. Please register for the course by writing to my email The workshop is free.


author Jürgen Funke

The workshop offers an introduction to or the spirit of the Tamalpa work. Human beings can try out creative ways to express themselves in dancing, drawing and writing. The general topic will be contraction and expansion as we experience it in our physical bodies. We are going to explore the topic with the help of simple tasks and activities. The movement experience will be expressed in a drawing or a sketch that captures the essence of the movement. You can discover new ways of being in contraction and in expansion which you can take away and then use in your daily lives.

Further dates:

  • SAT 25.06. | 2:00pm

    Friedensraum (18. Juni)/Freiraum (25. Juni)in der Bessunger Knabenschule in Darmstadt

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