Somatic dance workshop
The workshop is open to all: amateurs, dancers, singers and actors.
dance, workshop
FRI 19.07.2024
6:30pm — 8:30pm
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstraße 4, 60316 Frankfurt am Main, Probebühne 4. Etage
Information and registration at:
*Participation is based on pay as you can - if possible, please take part in all days or most of the time.
The picture shows Silke in the foreground and another person in a standing position. Their attention is drawn to the movement of their arms. The dance floor is black, and the wall in front of which they're dancing is made out of bricks painted in white.
Information on accessibility
The workshop will be held in spoken English. Questions for clarification can also be asked in German. Most of the tasks are communicated verbally.
Open Source Forms (OSF) is deeply rooted in, and fluidly expanded from Skinner Releasing TechniqueTM (SRT), Open Source Forms is about cross-fertilizations and deep commonalities of SRT and creative process: shedding outer layers, finding primal energy, agility navigating subconscious realms, and imagery as powerful tool for transformation.
Workshop content includes individual and playful exploration of movement principles, improvisation, partner work with touch, and quieter movement phases (with eyes closed) on the floor. Music of various genres will be used. Each class concludes with a moment for writing, where participants will reflect on their experiences. Please wear comfortable clothes (trousers over knees) for moving and bring extra sweaters and socks for the quieter parts on the floor.
Silke is an OSF instructor in training with Stephanie Skura, Nathan Dryden and Manuela Bondavalli.
Further dates:
SAT 20.07. | 6:30pm
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstraße 4, 60316 Frankfurt am Main, Probebühne 4. Etage
SUN 21.07. | 6:30pm
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstraße 4, 60316 Frankfurt am Main, Probebühne 4. Etage
MON 22.07. | 6:30pm
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstraße 4, 60316 Frankfurt am Main, Probebühne 4. Etage