The workshop weekend invites people with different cognitive, perceptual and physical-motor skills, as well as their families, to dive into an artistic process together. Participants explore contemporary dance and percussion, discover and shape actively jam sessions of movement and sound.
dance, workshop
FRI 09.02.2024
Bildungsburg Fürsteneck
Ticket needed![](/media/imgW800/familienwerkstatt_bild_1.jpg)
Participants of the music workshop (Phot: Doi Park)
Information on accessibility
Is there a translation into Sign Language? Into which?
DGS Translation possible
The weekend conveys easily accessible principles of dance improvisation and choreography, as well as of body awareness methods in the dance workshops. Participants playfully explore their own movement possibilities to create dance movements. The dance workshop offers possibilities for self-expression through movement to enable the participants to contribute to small spontaneous choreographies. The music workshops encourage exploring and producing sounds from different instruments and objects. We spontaneously form a band and compose music. In both the dance and music workshops, interaction with the environment and other participants enriches our creative process. For the workshop sessions different groupings are designed to cater to individual needs and abilities. The workshops are framed by leisure activities such as outdoor sports or painting and on Saturday evening we are going to have a dance party. These activities are additional offerings that can be attended voluntarily for a further exchange among the group. The weekend program creates space for self-discovery, joy in collaborative creative work, for new encounters, and the opportunity to center oneself amidst nature. Participation fee per person including overnight stay, breakfast, lunch, dinner: 95,-€uro
Dance workshop: Hannah Dewor
Music and Percussion workshop: Volker Kehl
Assisting team: Marie Martin, Rouven Pabst, Doi Park , Marion Plantey
Funded by: Aktion Mensch Stiftung Integration Stiftung HandicapAid
![Familienwerkstatt Bild 2.JPG](/media/familienwerkstatt_bild_2.jpg)
Teilnehmende beim Musikworkshop (Foto: Doi Park)