WED 25.10.2023
7:30pm — 9:00pm
saasfee*pavillon bleichstrasse 66hh 60313 frankfurt
Taverns, bars, pubs and cafés have always been places of encounter, negotiation and pleasure. They were also the place of the New Woman in the 1920s, who there flaunted her newfound freedom (as a worker, voter, and consumer of public life) and at the same time stood behind the bar. The figure of the bartender accompanied her therein as host, listener, and constant observer. Bartenders became the projection surface of the obsolete man, the tangible flirtation and unrestrained consumption.
CRATER performs a translation of this interpersonal dynamic of guest and bartender into the now. What is the meaning of the freedom, but also of the exhaustion and loneliness behind these images?
Concept, Light, Sound: Lena Appel
Choreography: Lena Appel, Santiago Mariño
With: Santiago Mariño
Costumes: Carla Renée Loose
Special thanks to: Vivien Kaempf, Maria Moritz, Marie Georgi, Lou Behr, Gabbi Cattani, Robin Stretz, Anneliese Ostertag, Luis Garay, Bar Central, Plank, Jambo Bar.
With the kind support of the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main and the Hessian Theater Academy.
Further dates:
THU 26.10. | 7:30pm
saasfee*pavillon bleichstrasse 66hh 60313 frankfurt